Museums are vital cultural institutions that play a crucial role in preserving history, inspiring creativity, and fostering education. The Egypt Centre is dedicated to sharing the wonders of ancient Egypt with the world, but we rely on your support to continue our important work. Your generosity enables us to develop new exhibitions, conduct groundbreaking research, and offer educational programmes for all ages. By supporting the Egypt Centre, you’re investing in the future of cultural heritage and inspiring a new generation of explorers.

Donate to the Museum

Your generous donation to the Egypt Centre will directly support our mission to preserve, study, and share the rich heritage of ancient Egypt. Whether you’re a passionate Egyptologist or simply appreciate the importance of cultural preservation, your contribution will make a tangible difference.

For details, please click here.

A poster promoting donations to the Egypt Centre in Swansea, Wales. The poster features a colorful image of an ancient Egyptian mummy mask and text in both English and Welsh. The English text reads "SUPPORT THE EGYPT CENTRE AND MAKE A DONATION TODAY," while the Welsh text reads "CEFNOGWCH Y GANOLFAN EIFFTAIDD A RHOWCH RODD HEDDIW." The poster also includes the logos for Swansea University and the Egypt Centre.

Adopt an Object

Have you ever wanted to have a more personal connection with one of the Egypt Centre’s artefacts? Are you searching for a one-of-a-kind gift? We’re excited to introduce our new adoption programme, which allows you to adopt one of our museum treasures! Adopt an Object is an exciting way to support the Egypt Centre’s mission to preserve and share ancient Egyptian history. By adopting an object for a year, either for yourself or as a gift, you’re contributing to the care of our collection.

For details, please click here.

An ancient Egyptian figurine with a red stamp that says "ADOPTED" overlaying it. The figurine is painted in red and white and has its arms outstretched.

Leave a Legacy

A gift in your Will to the Egypt Centre is a meaningful way to support our mission of preserving and sharing the wonders of ancient Egypt. Your generosity will help us continue our vital work, from funding groundbreaking research to providing educational programmes for future generations.

The Egypt Centre is part of Swansea University, which is a registered charity (Charity number 1138342). Contact our team ( to discuss your plans in confidence. We’ll ensure your wishes are understood and fulfilled, making a lasting impact on the Egypt Centre and its visitors. For more on leaving a gift to the Egypt Centre in your Will, click here.

If you’ve already remembered the Egypt Centre in your Will, we’re deeply grateful. Your support is invaluable to our mission. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to share your plans or ask any questions.

A male an female wearing purple sweatshirts with Egypt Centre logo. They both wear black and gold ancient Egyptian hats.
Click here to read about an amazing legacy donation left to the Egypt Centre by Siân and Illian James.

Donate in Memory

Remembering a loved one can be a source of comfort during difficult times. By making a gift in their memory to the Egypt Centre, you can ensure their legacy lives on while supporting our important work.

Your donation will help us preserve ancient artefacts, conduct groundbreaking research, and offer educational programmes for future generations.

Contact our team ( to discuss your options and learn more about how a memorial gift can honour your loved one and make a lasting impact.

A panel dedicated to the memory of Merlys Gavin. A portrait photo of Merlys is in the centre of the image, with a dedication in Welsh above and English below.

Acceptance in Lieu

The Acceptance in Lieu (AIL) scheme offers a unique opportunity for UK taxpayers to support the Egypt Centre while reducing their inheritance tax liability. By transferring important works of art or heritage objects related to ancient Egypt to the museum, you can make a significant contribution to our mission of preserving and sharing this invaluable cultural heritage.

Contact the Egypt Centre’s Curator, Dr Ken Griffin (, to discuss how you can make a lasting impact on the Egypt Centre.

Four views of an ancient Egyptian figurine. The figurine is blue with black detailing and is holding a wand. It is standing upright with its arms outstretched. The background includes the logo for The Egypt Centre and Swansea University, as well as the reference number EC2236. There is also a scale bar indicating 10 centimeters.