The Egypt Centre collection will forever be associated with the pharmaceutical entrepreneur Sir Henry Solomon Wellcome (1853–1936). Wellcome had a passion for collecting medically related artefacts, aiming to create a Museum of Man. He bought for his collection anything related to medicine, including Napoleon’s toothbrush, which is currently on display at the Wellcome Collection in London. But he also collected non-medical objects, including many from Egypt. He was a keen archaeologist, in particular digging for many years at Jebel Moya, Sudan, during which time he hired 4,000 people to excavate. Wellcome was one of the first investigators to use kite aerial photography on an archaeological site, with surviving images available in the Wellcome Library.

Black and white photo of Sir Henry Wellcome standing above the site of Jebel Moya.
Sir Henry Wellcome at the Jebel Moya excavations. Credit: (© Wellcome Collection. CC BY)

When Wellcome died in 1936, his collection was cared for by trustees, who were eventually based in London. Much of the collection was dispersed to various museums in Britain, but by the early 1970s some of it remained in the basement of the Petrie Museum. John Gwyn Griffiths (1911–2004), lecturer in the Classics Department of University College Swansea (now Swansea University), and David Dixon (1930–2005), lecturer in Egyptology at University College London, arranged for a selection of the artefacts to come to Swansea. The condition of the loan being that the objects “should be made available to research workers all over the world, and that part of it, at least, should be shown to the public”. In September 1971, ninety-two crates of material arrived in South Wales. These were later supplemented by forty-eight pottery vases. Kate Bosse-Griffiths (1910–1998), wife of Gwyn Griffiths and an Egyptologist, carefully unpacked them and rediscovered a wealth of objects, some of which were still wrapped in 1930s newspapers. These included objects from Armant, Tell el-Amarna, Deir el-Medina, Esna, Mostagedda, Qau el-Kebir, etc. Additionally, some of the artefacts can be traced back to the collections of Robert de Rustafjaell (1853–1943), Robert Grenville Gayer-Anderson (1881–1945), Revd Randolph Humphrey Berens (1844–1922), Luigi Palma di Cesnola (1832–1904), Revd William Frankland Hood (1825–1864), and the Revd William MacGregor (1848–1937), amongst others.

Black and white photograph deicting Kate Bosse and Gwyn Grififths on their wedding day.
Kate and Gwyn on their wedding day, 1939 (© Heini Gruffudd)

As a determined and indomitable woman, Kate succeeded in setting up a small museum, which resided in the Chemistry Department for two years. However, under the patronage of John Gould (1927–2001), Chair of Greek, a small room in the Classics Department soon housed a number of unique and exciting pieces, several of which Kate and others later published. Roger Davies, the Arts Faculty photographer, and his wife assisted Kate in the setting up of the exhibition. David Dixon, as a passionate Welshman, had requested that all labels be bilingual, a policy that is still adhered to.

Black and white photo of a woman (Kate Bosse-Griffiths) standing in a science lab with Egyptian artefacts on the tables.
Dr. Kate Bosse-Griffiths with the collection housed in the science lab (1972)

The collection, which became known as the Swansea Wellcome Museum, formally opened to the public in June 1976 for two afternoons in each week of term (Thursdays and Fridays 2.30–4.30). Some artefacts were also displayed at the Royal Institution of South Wales (now Swansea Museum). Although a limited number of artefacts were displayed under protective conditions within the University, the majority were exposed. To enhance the preservation of these valuable items, the University acquired additional display cases using funds from its reserves during the academic year 1978–1979.

Black and white photo of a group of six people, four males and two females, looking into the camera. One of the women in the centre has her hand on an ancient Egyptian pottery coffin.
Official opening of the Wellcome Museum in 1976. Left to right: Prof. Gwyn Griffiths, Prof. Robert Steel (University Principal), Dr. Kate Bosse-Griffiths, Mayoress and Mayor of Swansea, T.G.H (Harry) James.

In 1978 the collection was added to by items from the surplus of items from the Egypt Exploration Society excavations, including many from Amarna, which were distributed by the British Museum. Additionally, in 1982 the Twenty-first Dynasty coffin of the Chantress of Amun, Iwesenhesetmut, was transferred from the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter.

Black and white image of a woman (Kate Bosse-Griffiths) holding brushing dust off a wooden coffin lid.
Dr. Kate Bosse-Griffiths with the recently acquired coffin of Chantress of Amun, Iwesenhesetmut (1982).

In 1993 the title ‘Honorary Curator’ was passed to David Gill, lecturer in the Department of Classics and Ancient History. David had formerly been a research assistant in Greek and Roman antiquities at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (1988–1992). Kate continued as ‘Honorary Adviser’. The collection remained under-used, possibly because of resource limitations in terms of staff, money, and space, but also perhaps because of the then unfashionable nature of object-centred learning in universities.

A man (David Gill) standing in front of museum display cases containing Egyptian artefacts. He has a mostache and wears a blue tie.
Prof. David Gill at the Egypt Centre

In January 1995, Sybil Crouch, manager of the Taliesin Arts Centre, produced a report to the University Image and Marketing Sub Committee suggesting the setting up of a new museum for the Egyptology exhibition. After the suggestion to improve access to the collection, Heritage Lottery Funding and European Regional Development Funding was sought. This, together with a sum from the University, allowed the building of a purpose-built museum as a wing of the Taliesin Arts Centre. A working party, chaired by Prof. Alan B. Lloyd, an Egyptologist and Head of the Department of Classics and Ancient History, worked on ideas for display. During this time members of the group included: Sybil Crouch; David Gill; Anthony Donohue (1944–2016), an Egyptologist who had studied the collection over a number of years; Fiona Nixon, a Swansea University architect; and Gerald Gabb, from Swansea Museum Service.

Three workmen with hard hats digging the foundation to a building.
Construction of the Egypt Centre begins (© Howard Middleton-Jones)

During the interim period, David Gill, together with Alison Lloyd of the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, organised an exhibition in the Glynn Vivian called The Face of Egypt to show selected items from the Wellcome Museum, as well as items loaned from other Welsh museums, as a foretaste of the new museum. This exhibition proved to be a great success.

An image of a carved stone relief depicting the profile of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh wearing a headdress with a cobra. The text "THE FACE OF EGYPT" is superimposed over the image.
Cover of the Face of Egypt exhibition catalogue

In 1997, 130 objects were transferred to Swansea from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, where they had been part of a general teaching collection. In the same year the first professional curator, Carolyn Graves-Brown, was employed, and in September 1998 the Museum was officially opened to the public by Viscount St. Davids (1939–2009). The museum consists of two galleries; the House of Life and the House of Death.

Photo showing a group of people standing either side of a plaque commemorating the opening of the Egypt Centre.
Official opening of the Egypt Centre in 1998. Left to right: Sybil Crouch, Fiona Nixon, Dr. Carolyn Graves-Brown, Prof. Robin Williams (former Vice Chancellor), Prof. David Gill, Prof. Alan Lloyd, Lord St. Davids, Mayor and Mayoress of Swansea.

The following year, the Friends of the Egypt Centre was formed with Professor Alan Lloyd giving the inaugural lecture. Since then, the Friends group have had over 200 talks, organised tours to UK museums, and hosted other events. The Friends continue to support the Egypt Centre, although the majority of the talks are now through the medium of Zoom following the COVID-19 Pandemic.

A bronze plaque mounted on a wooden surface. The plaque contains text in English and Welsh, stating that the cabinet was kindly presented to the museum by The Friends of the Egypt Centre in 2001. The Welsh text translates to "This cabinet was kindly presented to the Museum by the Friends of the Egypt Centre 2001." The plaque also features a small image of a falcon and a scarab beetle.
Plaque commemorating the purchase of a display cabinet for the Egypt Centre made by the Friends

Since opening its doors, the Egypt Centre has received several donations and loans of artefacts. In 2005, forty-two objects arrived on long-term loan from the British Museum, while in 2012 a collection of fifty-eight artefacts arrived from Woking College. Most recently, over 800 objects arrived on loan from Harrogate Museums. During this course of this loan, the objects will be researched, exhibited, and made available to the public via a bespoke online collection catalogue.

Photo of a man (Ken Griffin) and woman (May Catt) standing next to a wooden box containing a black mask of the jackal deity Anubis.
May Catt (Senior Manager, Harrogate Museums) and Ken Griffin (Egypt Centre Curator) with the mask of Anubis

Several special exhibitions have taken place at the Egypt Centre over the years. The first was Reflections of Women in Ancient Egypt: women, museums and Egyptologists, which was launched in 2001. In 2005, the Egypt Centre was fortunate to receive on a temporary loan the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus from the British Museum, which accompanied the exhibition Pharaoh’s Formula: maths in ancient Egypt. In 2010, Through the Lens: images of Egypt 1917–2009, showcased photos taken by L. Sgt Johnston of Carmarthen during the First World War. The recent acquisition of a temporary exhibition case for the House of Life gallery has allowed students at Swansea University to curate their own displays as part of a course on museums taught by the Egypt Centre staff.

Photo of a man (Richard Parkinson) standing next to a display labelled as the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
Prof. Richard Parkinson unveiling the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (2005)

The Egypt Centre has organised and hosted a number of international conferences over the years. This includes Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt: ‘don your wig for a joyful hour’ (2005), the proceedings of which were published in 2008;The Exploited and Adored: animals in ancient Egypt (2006); Egyptology in the Present: Experiential and experimental methods in archaeology (2010), with the proceedings following in 2015. Demon Things: Ancient Egyptian manifestations of liminal entities was co-organised by the Egypt Centre and the Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project. In 2018, the Egypt Centre hosted the annual CIPEG (Comité international pour l’égyptologie) conference, under the theme of Beating Barriers! Overcoming obstacles to achievement. Since 2019, the museum has hosted an annual conference showcasing the Egypt Centre’s collection. The most recent was our twenty-fifth anniversary conference, during which time the first Harrogate exhibition (Causing Their Names to Live) was launched.

Group photo of conference delegates seated in a lecture theatre.
Participants of the Egyptology in the Present conference (2010)


Gill, D. (2005) ‘From Wellcome Museum to Egypt Centre: Displaying Egyptology in Swansea’. Göttinger Miszellen: Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion 205: 47–54.Graves-Brown, C. (2004) ‘The birth of the Egypt Centre’. Discussions in Egyptology 59: 23–30.

Griffiths, J. G. (2000) ‘Museum efforts before Wellcome’. Inscriptions: The newsletter of the Friends of the Egypt Centre, Swansea 5: 6.

Griffin, K. (2019) ‘Egypt in Swansea’. Ancient Egypt 20, 2: 42–48.

Larson, F. (2009) An infinity of things: How Sir Henry Wellcome collected the world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rhodes James, R. (1994) Henry Wellcome. Hodder & Stoughton, 1994.