Portrait photo of a man (Syd Howells) wearing a graduation robe and cap.

Ebost: l.s.j.howells@swansea.ac.uk

Rhif ffôn: (01792) 606065

Syd Howells yw Rheolwr Gwirfoddolwyr yr Amgueddfa yn y Ganolfan Eifftaidd a dyma’r pwynt cyswllt cyntaf i unrhyw un sy’n dymuno gwirfoddoli yma neu fynd ar leoliad gwaith.

Diddordebau Ymchwil

  • Propaganda (hen a modern)
  • Gwirfoddoli yn y sector treftadaeth
  • Moeseg casglu
  • Hanes ecsentrigrwydd

C.V Cryno


  • 2014–2016: Prifysgol Caerlŷr; MA Astudiaethau Amgueddfa (Graddio gyda Theilyngdod)
  • 2007–2013: Prifysgol Abertawe; BA Anrh. Hanes (Graddio gyda Rhagoriaeth)
  • 2011: Prifysgol Abertawe; Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Eifftoleg


  • Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd, Rheolwr Gwirfoddoli (2012–Presennol)


Profiad archeolegol yn yr Aifft a’r Deyrnas Unedig.


  • Howells, Syd 2024. William Price of Llantrisant: the contrary champion of cremation. Chronicle: The Historical Association Swansea Branch 2024: 31–35.
  • Howells, Syd 2024. Swansea’s Egyptian revival buildings. The Swansea History Journal: Minerva 32: 177–181.
  • Howells, Syd 2024. A partnership of unequals: the RISW and University College Swansea. In Helen L. Hallesy & Gerald Gabb (Eds.), Swansea’s Royal Institution and Wales’s First Museum, 456–467. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Howells, Syd 2023. Lieutenant Colonel A D Wintle MC: an irregular soldier’. Chronicle: The Historical Association Swansea Branch 2023: 11–14.
  • Howells, Syd 2021. Iolo Morganwg: Swansea area connections. The Swansea History Journal: Minerva 29: 83–90
  • Howells, Syd 2020. Dr William Price at the Egypt Centre, Swansea University. The Swansea History Journal: Minerva 28: 111–114.
  • Howells, Syd 2017. Informal learning in a museum setting https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/blog/informal-learning-museum-setting  European Commission, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe.
  • Goodridge, Wendy and Syd Howells 2015. Engaging with the hard to reach: from town to gown. In Jandl, Stefanie S., Mark S Gold, and Tracy L Adler (eds) Advancing engagement: a handbook for academic museums (volume three), 310–345. Edinburgh: MuseumsEtc.
  • Howells, Syd 2013. Acceptance and removing barriers: young volunteers in a university museum setting. GEM (Group for Education in Museums) Case Studies 11: 22–23.

Diddordebau Allanol

  • Archaeoleg
  • Hanes – Rwyf yn aelod o Historical Association Swansea Branch Outreach Speakers Group (darlithoedd megis Wonderful Things: A Look at the History and Collections of the Egypt Centre, Museum of Egyptian Antiquities ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe a Dr William Price and the Welsh Pharaohs)
  • Rwy’n eistedd ar Bwyllgor Sefydliad Brenhinol De Cymru
  • Cerddoriaeth