Yma fe welwch restr o lyfrau neu bamffledi sydd wedi’u cyhoeddi gan neu’n ymwneud â chasgliad y Ganolfan Eifftaidd. I lawer, mae PDFs am ddim ar gael. Mae rhai o’r cyhoeddiadau hefyd ar gael i’w prynu yn siop yr amgueddfa. Nid yw’r rhestr hon yn cynnwys erthyglau unigol ar wrthrychau yn y casgliad. Mae’r rhain i’w cael yn llyfryddiaeth y gwrthrychau trwy ein Catalog Casgliad Ar-lein.

Bosse-Griffiths, Kate 1978. Gwaith Gleiniau / Beadwork. Lluniau o Gasgliad Wellcome o Hynafiaethau Eifftaidd, Coleg y Brifysgol, Abertawe / Pictures from the Wellcome Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, University College, Swansea 1. Abertawe / Swansea: Coleg y Brifysgol / University College.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma, neu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am 50c.

A book cover featuring a colourful, intricate beadwork design depicting the face of an Egyptian scarab beetle. The background is black. The title of the book is "Rhif 1 Gwaith Gleiniau" in Welsh and "No 1 Beadwork" in English. The book is from the University College Swansea's Gasgliad Wellcome Collection.

Bosse-Griffiths, Kate 1984. Cerddores yn cwrdd â’i duwiau / A musician meets her gods. Lluniau o Amgueddfa Wellcome Coleg y Brifysgol, Abertawe / Pictures from the Wellcome Museum University College, Swansea 2. Talybont: Y Lolfa.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma.

A book cover with a vibrant orange background and a black and white illustration of an Egyptian deity holding a balance scale. The text on the cover is in Welsh and English, and reads: "Cerddores yn Cwrdd â'i Duwiau" (A Musician Meets Her Gods), "LLUNIAU O AMGUEDDFA WELLCOME" (Pictures from the Wellcome Museum), "COLEG Y BRIFYSGOL, ABERTAWE" (University College, Swansea), "Rhif 2/No. 2" (Number 2/No. 2), and "1984."

Bosse-Griffiths, Kate 1994. Five ways of writing between 2000 BC and A.D. 200. Photographs by Roger P. Davies. Pictures from the Swansea Wellcome Museum 3. Talybont: Y Lolfa.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma, neu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am 50c.

A book cover with a green background and a black border. The title is "Five Ways of Writing between 2000 BC and AD 200" in white. The author's name, Kate Bosse-Griffiths, is also in white. The cover features various ancient writing scripts and symbols, including Egyptian hieroglyphs, cuneiform, and Hebrew letters.

Anonymous 1996. The face of Egypt: Swansea Festival exhibition 1996, 5 October 1996–5 January 1997; Glynn Vivian Art Gallery. Swansea: City and County of Swansea / Dinas a Sir Abertawe.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma (gyda chaniatâd caredig Canolfan Gelf Glynn Vivian), neu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am 50c.

A book cover featuring a black and white image of a carved stone relief depicting the profile of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. The pharaoh is wearing a headdress with a cobra. The relief is titled "The Face of Egypt."

Bosse-Griffiths, Kate 2001. Amarna studies and other selected papers. Edited by J. Gwyn Griffiths. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 182. Freiburg (Schweiz); Göttingen: Universitätsverlag; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma, trwy Brifysgol Zurich.

A book cover with a blue background and a black border. The title is "Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 182" in white, followed by the author's name, Kate Bosse-Griffiths. The main title is "Amarna Studies and Other Selected Papers" in white. The cover also features an illustration of an Egyptian goddess standing on a pedestal and holding two staffs. The publisher information is at the bottom: University Press Fribourg Switzerland and Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen.

Goodridge, Wendy and Stuart Williams 2005. Offerings from the British Museum. Swansea: The Egypt Centre.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma, neu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am £1.

A book cover with a blue background and a golden vulture figurine in the center. The title is "Offerings from The British Museum" in white. The authors' names, Wendy Goodridge and Stuart Williams, are also in white. The logo for The Egypt Centre is in the bottom left corner.

Graves-Brown, Carolyn (ed.) 2008. Sex and gender in ancient Egypt: ‘don your wig for a joyful hour’. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.

Ar gael i’w brynu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am £20, neu am c. £50 drwy Amazon.

A book cover with a black background and a blue square in the center. The square contains four smaller images depicting ancient Egyptian men engaged in intimate acts. The title is "Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt" in white, followed by the subtitle "'Don your wig for a joyful hour'" in white. The editor's name, Carolyn Graves-Brown, is also in white at the bottom.

Graves-Brown, Carolyn and Wendy Goodridge (eds) 2015. Egyptology in the present: experiential and experimental methods in archaeology. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales.

Ar gael i’w brynu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am £30 neu am c. £60 trwy Amazon.

A book cover with a black background and a colorful illustration of an ancient Egyptian craftsman. The craftsman is wearing a white robe and holding various tools. The title is "Egyptology in the Present: Experiential and Experimental Methods in Archaeology" in white. The editor's name, Carolyn Graves-Brown, is also in white at the bottom.

Graves-Brown, Carolyn 2018. Daemons & spirits in ancient Egypt. Lives and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. Cardiff: University of Wales.

Ar gael i’w brynu yn siop y Ganolfan Eifftaidd am £35 neu drwy Amazon.

A book cover with a black background and a colorful illustration of an ancient Egyptian stela. The stela depicts various figures and symbols, including deities, animals, and hieroglyphs. The title is "Daemons & Spirits in Ancient Egypt" in white, followed by the author's name, Carolyn Graves-Brown, at the bottom.

Anonymous 2020. The illustrated guide to the Egypt Centre: thirty highlights. Swansea: The Egypt Centre.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma.

A book cover with a black background and a colorful illustration of an ancient Egyptian scene. The scene depicts various figures, including gods, humans, and animals, as well as hieroglyphs and other symbols. The title is "The Illustrated Guide to the Egypt Centre" in white, followed by the subtitle "Thirty Highlights" in white.

Anonymous 2022. The illustrated guide to the Egypt Centre: thirty highlights. The Egypt Exploration Society. Swansea: The Egypt Centre.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma.

A book cover with a black background and a colorful illustration of an ancient Egyptian wall painting. The title is "The Illustrated Guide to the Egypt Centre" in white, followed by the subtitle "Thirty Highlights" in white. At the bottom, "The Egypt Exploration Society" is also in white.

Anonymous 2023. The illustrated guide to the Harrogate loan: causing their names to live. Swansea: The Egypt Centre.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma.

A book cover with a black background and a colourful illustration of an ancient Egyptian scene. The scene depicts two figures, one seated and the other standing. Hieroglyphs and other symbols are also present. The title is "The Illustrated Guide to the Harrogate Loan" in white, followed by the subtitle "Causing Their Names to Live" in white.

Anonymous 2024. The illustrated guide to the Harrogate loan: the Ogden collection. Swansea: The Egypt Centre.

PDF am ddim ar gael yma.

A book cover with a black background and a colorful illustration of an ancient Egyptian mummy mask. The mask is decorated with gold and has inlaid eyes. The title is "The Illustrated Guide to the Harrogate Loan" in white, followed by the subtitle "The Ogden Collection" in white.