Darganfyddwch pwy ydyn ni, beth yr ydym yn ei wneud a sut. Cewch fynediad i’n gwybodaeth allweddol, yn cynnwys polisïau, gweithdrefnau a gwobrau.

Two young women examine an ancient stone stela with inscriptions. Both are seated at a table, wearing gloves for handling the artefact. The woman on the left is wearing a navy blue hoodie with an embroidered emblem, while the woman on the right is in a mustard yellow sweater, attentively looking at the artefact.
Ein Diben

Amcan y Ganolfan Eifftaid yw diogelu, dehongli, a rhannu etifeddiaeth Eifftaidd trwy gasgliadau, addysg ac ymgysylltiad radd flaenaf.

A teal-colored logo with a curved, pixelated shape resembling a rainbow. The text "ACCREDITED MUSEUM" is written in a sans-serif font below the shape.
Amgueddfa Achrededig

Yr ydym yn falch i fod yn Amgueddfa Achrededig, cydnabyddedig gan Gyngor y Celfyddydau Lloegr. Mae’r statws mawreddog hwn yn cydnabod ein safonau uchel yn rheolaeth, gwasanaethau ymwelwyr, a gofal y casgliadau.

A cartoon-style image featuring a group of smiling people standing in an Egyptian-themed setting. They are dressed in modern clothing and are gathered around an Egyptian sarcophagus on a table. Behind them, an anthropomorphic figure resembling the god Anubis and another Egyptian figure stand, wearing traditional attire and headdresses. Hieroglyphics and Egyptian wall art decorate the background.
Cwrdd â’r Tîm

Mae ein tîm o staff a gwirfoddolwyr gwobrwyedig yn cyd-weithio i ddarparu gwasanaeth eithriadol a chynnal gweithrediad llyfn y Ganolfan Eifttaidd.

Kate Bosse-Griffiths, the first Curator of the collection, standing in front of a large, ornate coffin of Iwesenhesetmut.
Hanes yr Amgueddfa

Dechreuodd ein taith yn 1971 pan trosglwyddwyd rhan o gasgliad mawr Wellcome i Goleg Prifysgol Abertawe (nawr Prifysgol Abertawe). Ffurfiodd y caffaeliad hwn sylfaen dyfodol yr Amgueddfa.

A timeline of the Egypt Centre in Swansea, Wales. It highlights three key dates: September 1, 1971, when 92 crates of objects were collected and Kate Bosse-Griffiths became the Honorary Curator; September 28, 1998, when the Egypt Centre opened to the public; and June 1, 2018, when the Egypt Centre received the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.
Llinell Amser

O ddechreuad bach fel amgueddfa prifysgol, mae llinell amser yn dangos taith datblygiol tuag at gyrraedd y nod o fod yn sefydliad diwylliannol ac addysgol gradd flaenaf.

A purple logo featuring a stylized crown made up of smaller shapes. The text "The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service" is written below the crown.

Mae’r Ganolfan Eifftaidd wedi ennill gwobrau lluosog yn cydnabod rhagoriaeth ym meysydd ymgysylltu teuluol, allgymorth, a datblygiad gwirfoddolwyr. Mae’r gwobrau yn dangos ei hymrwymiad i’r cymdeithas ac addysg.

A logo for the Egypt Centre, Swansea University. It features the name "The Egypt Centre" in English and Welsh, an image of an Egyptian jackal-headed god, and the Swansea University logo. The text "Documentation Policy" is included below.
Dogfennau a Pholisïau

Mae’r tudalen we yma yn rhoi mynediad i ddogfennau a pholisïau hanfodol y Ganolfan Eifftaidd sy’n amlinellu ei llywodraeth, gweithrediad, ac ymrwymiadau.

A golden vulture amulet on a blue background. The text "Offerings from The British Museum" is at the top, followed by the names Wendy Goodridge and Stuart Williams. The Egypt Centre logo is in the bottom left corner.

Mae’t tudalen yma yn cynnig rhestr gynhwysedig o gyhoeddiadau y Ganolfan Eifftaidd sydd yn arddangos ei hymchwil ac arbennigaeth.

Two individuals dressed in ancient Egyptian-themed costumes stand thoughtfully next to a replica of a mummified body on a funerary bed. Both are posing with their hands on their chins, as if in deep contemplation. One wears a white robe and a head covering, while the other wears a blue and gold headdress and a decorative robe.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Dewch o hyd i atebion i’ch cwestiynau am y Ganolfan Eifftaidd yn ein hadran cwestiynau cyffredin.